Wednesday 11 May 2011

I Feel Fat and Ugly around HER..

It’s going to our team building tomorrow, and remember my high school classmate who's now my Colleague's wife, well she’s coming too. Being around her makes me insecure, I keep thinking that , maybe our colleagues are secretly comparing us, how sexy and beautiful she is than me.
We been friends in gradeschool, but we sort of drifted apart in highschool, she started hanging around more with the popular, beautiful crowd, and I., I remain fat, actually fatter...uglier...
Hm...I’m starting to dislike what I’m typing here...this is just part of my paranoia...I really hope that no one will secretly compare us whatsoever, I hope that I’ll enjoy our team building tomorrow...I hope something wonderful will happen. Honestly I’m secretly wishing that we can sort of rekindle our friendship...nah...its awkward for me to do the first move, it'll  make me look like a trying hard ambitious geek, if I’ll do that. Sshe’s beyond my reach, she’s too beautiful...too lucky to have everything...argh! here you again! stop it already!( talking to myself)


safire said...

It's hard not to compare ourselves to people around us because there are always going to be people prettier, younger, richer, smarter, thinner than us. But I'm sure there are plenty of people who would care for YOUR traits too :) life is fair in that way.

Enjoy your team building exercise! Spend extra time primping and making an effort to look good! Wear whatever you are MOST confident in!

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